EOS MEDICAL TOURISM INŞ. TIC. AND SAN. LTD ŞTİ , https://eosmedicaltourism.com all similar online or offline media that we make available to you on the website (the “Site”), in the extensions of the site, in our applications or in the digital environment (all these media together will be referred to as the “Medium”.) we use certain technologies (“cookies”) to improve your experience during your use or visit.
The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation to which we are subject, especially the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“KVKK” or “Law”).
The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to provide you with information about the processing of personal data through cookies that are used during access to the Media. In this text, we explain to you which types of cookies we use on our site and in our applications for which purposes and how you can control these cookies.
As a company, we may stop using the cookies that we use on our site and applications if necessary, change their types or functions, or add new cookies to our site and applications. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the provisions of this Cookie Policy at any time, provided that we publish them on our website before and make the necessary clarification. Any changes made to the current Cookie Policy will take effect upon publication on the site, application or any public media.
You can find the last update date at the end of the text.
Detailed information about the purposes of processing your personal data by our Company; www.eosmedicaltourism.com/kvkk You can access it from the Company's Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy.

The Method and Legal Reason of Collecting Personal Data
Your personal data is collected based on the legitimate interest of our Company for a legal reason within the scope of your visit to our website or by means of cookies in electronic environment due to your use of our applications. Promotional activities carried out through targeting and profiling are carried out only if you have explicit consent. Your collected personal data is subject to Section 5 of the Law. and 6. within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the articles, it can also be processed for the purposes specified in this Cookie Policy.

To Whom and for What Purposes Personal Data May be Transferred
As a company, we may share your personal data within the scope of the Cookie Policy with legally authorized public institutions limited to the realization of the above-mentioned purposes and in accordance with the legislation

Which Cookies Are Used for Which Purposes?
As a COMPANY, we use cookies on our website and applications for various purposes and process your personal data through these cookies. These objectives are mainly:
* To perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the site and applications. For example, logged-in members do not need to enter a password again when visiting different pages on the Site.
* To analyze the Site and applications, to improve the performance of the Site and applications. For example, the integration of the different servers on which the Site works, determining the number of visitors to the Site and making performance settings accordingly, or making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
* To increase the functionality of the site and applications and to provide ease of use. For example, remembering username information or search queries on a subsequent visit by a visitor to the Site. Dec.
* To carry out personalization, targeting and advertising activities. For example, the display of ads related to the interests of visitors on the pages and products that visitors view.
 Cookies Used on our Website and Applications
Below you can find different types of cookies that we use on our site and in our applications. Both first-party cookies (placed by the site you are visiting) and third-party cookies (placed by servers other than the site you are visiting) are used on our site and applications.

Mandatory Cookies
The use of certain cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of our site and applications. For example, the authentication cookies that are activated when you log in to our site ensure that your active session continues when you switch from one page to another on our site.